Review: Fjort – D’accord

I finally bought “D’accord”, the new album by german harcore/ screamo outfit Fjort, on vinyl. It’s on clear vinyl, which is not my favourite vinyl version (calling it colour would be ill-fitting), but anyway. The production value is excellent and the cover art really nice, even though I can’t manage to link it to the lyrics.
Fjort are following the 90’s and early 00’s emotional hardcore bands like Escapado or the mighty Zann. They manage to keep the balance between the agressiveness of hardcore and emotional outbursts other than pure rage or anger. The german lyrics take an important role in this and show the complexity of modern life. Complex is a good keyword, as the song structures are exactly that. Rage-fueled parts alternate with melodic, emotional parts without making the songs overly confusing or hard to listen to.
The second half of “D’accord” shows strong post rock vibes, while the hardcore influences are taken back a bit. This suits the album pretty good and makes it even more interesting, while Fjort manage to keep their identity. In short, the album offers an interesting blend of hardcore, screamo, portland emocore, and post rock. Recommended to everyone who is into emotional, complex music.