STICK TO YOUR GUNS @Skaters Palace, Münster
Münster was a on the recent Stick To Your Guns-tour and the expectations were high. Could the band satisfy them?
This year starts with a banger: Stick To Your Guns embark on a four-week long european tour in support of their latest record “Keep Planting Flowers”. Make sure to check out the record and attend one or two show for a good start into 2025!
Kublai Khan TX will hit several european venues on their headline run in January 2025.
Back in the day, from 1999 to 2016, the small village of Roitzschjora hosted the With Full Force Festival. Since 2017, the festival moved to a new location and shortened its name to just Full Force. 2024 will see.. well, what exactly? A spin-off? A …
Brutality Will Prevail have evolved into a force to be reckoned with, as their latest album “Misery Sequence”. They played a short headliner tour this month and proved their class on this once more.
Dagger Threat played a hometown show at Bahnhof Pauli last night and delivered a heavy show. Supporting Brutality Will Prevail on a short European Tour, the dudes knew how to fill 30 minutes with heavy-hitting hardcore. Check out their debut album “Gestaltzerfall”!
We live in troubled times. We live in fucked-up times. I wonder how history will look back – and judge – on the early 21st century, but it can’t be with positive thoughts. We, the wealthy states of the northern hemisphere, don’t give a fuck …