Deathwish Inc. stream the new Code Orange album in full

Deathwish Inc. stream the new Code Orange album in full

Deathwish Inc. are offering the new Code Orange (formerly Code Orange Kids) on YouTube:

Code Orange obviously matured during the last year. They’ve released through Deathwish Inc. ever since they finished high school and have been touring extensively. That’s quite a feat in itself, but keep in mind that the band members were around 18/ 19 years old when Code Orange Kid became their full time occupation. It’s no wonder that they evolved and changed their sound, isn’t it? I mean, who of us didn’t change his opinon, his ideals, his style, his everything during that age?

“I Am King” will be released on September, 2nd. I am really looking forward to it and will give the album a listen or ten. The new Code Orange sound interesting and fresh, while at the same time complex and secretive.

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