Pijn had to overcome many challenges during the creation of “From Low Beams of Hope”, including line-up changes and the joys of releasing a record in DIY fashion while handling day jobs, oersonal life, and stuff like that. But the result is worth all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into the creation of it: “From Low Beams of Hope” grabs the attention of the listener right from the start and takes her into a musical jounrey full of melancholia and hope.
“From Low Beams of Hope” turns out to be a fascinating record. The four songs are meticulously composed and executed – this true craftmanship and it shows. “Our Endless Hours” shows the amazing collaboration of drums, guitars, and violin, which all wander into different directions while at the same time clinging to the same beat. The other three songs of the record are equally stunning and point into underlying positivety, yet never giving off the melancholic base vibe.
Postrock with metal vibes is a saturated subgenre, but Pjin show how interesting and magnetic it still can be. Chapeau!
PS: check out the two beautiful vinyl versions availalbe at Floodlit Recordings (