Lik carry the torch of Swedish Death Metal – and deserve more attention for it!

There a tons of bands out there who release first class albums, play cool live shows, and (or?) are cool dudes – and still don’t get the attention they deserve. Lik, the band whose members have ties to Kaamos (!), Witchery, Katatonia, and Bloodbath, may be part of that camp. They’ve released two hard-hitting albums in the best tradition of Swedish Death Metal and still need more love, more attention, more fame.
In case you haven’t heard of ’em or didn’t give their latest album “Carnage” your attention, here’s your chance to change that:
LIK “Carnage” (FULL ALBUM) Metal Blade Records Bestätigt • 20.197 Aufrufe
See? Or better: listen? The trio manages to hold a balance between brutality and melody, yet give their HM2 the proper love. The songs are catchy and the production is right on. Enough reasons to spend your money on the nice grey marbled vinyl version, drink some beer, and bang your head to Death Metal the Swedish Way!
Tour Dates:
06/11/18 PL – Poznan – Klub U Bazyla
07/11/18 CZ – Praha – Modra Vopice
08/11/18 DE – Mannheim – MS Connexion Complex
09/11/18 DE – Bitterfeld – Festung
10/11/18 DE- Hamburg – Bambi Galore
11/11/18 DE – Osnabrück – Bastard Club